Make Today Extraordinary Even When Life Feels Hopeless

Hartly & Dover Delaware First Responders conducting a radical extraction. Diane Cashin. May 10, 2019

He’s Not Slowing Down!

On May 10, 2019. I nearly died when a distracted driver rear-ended me while I was stopped to make a left-hand turn. With 18 broken bones, I was air-lifted to a level-one trauma hospital 45 miles away. I would spend 26 days as an in-patient and then live with my sister for the next 6 months learning to walk again.

Even in the midst of the pain, loss, and recovery, I was determined to make each day extraordinary.

In a second, a driver’s irresponsible actions would hijack and change my life forever. This was now my new life.

Each day, while my mind was medicated with opioids and my body was in extreme pain, it would be my soul’s purpose, need for love, peace, and joy each day that would lead the way.

4 Steps for an Extraordinary Day

Here are the 4 steps I did every morning to let my soul lead, guiding my minds thoughts to heal my body.

Each morning — before I get out of bed — I spend the first 30 minutes doing these 4 things:

  1. Set my intention of “who I need to Be” to create an extraordinary day.
    • leader, patience, courage, completion, faith, fearless, unstoppable, focused, etc.
  2. Choose 3 things “only I can Do” to create an extraordinary day to move forward with something I truly want in my life.
    • write a blog, record a video, call a client, write a chapter, run 3 miles, bake a cake from scratch, spend time in nature, exercise, rest, play, etc).
  3. Meditate and visualize the life my soul wants, which focuses my mind, and gets my body into action to create it.
  4. Express my excitement and gratitude to The Divine for another extraordinary day where everything is possible!

Try it. Notice what you easily and happily create.

Even when life is hard. You get to define what an extraordinary day is for you — no one else!

When I skip these 4 steps, the day feels heavier and harder. I felt unfocused.

Fear, sadness, hopeless and increased thoughts of suicide. My automatic, medicated, mind increased my suffering.

This is what my mind and body were creating. Making it about what was happening to me. But that is not Who I Am. I needed to listen to what my soul. The answers were within me.

These 4 steps are the greatest gift I can share with you to create an extraordinary life. No matter how hard, lonely, or frightened you may feel.

It is how I came through my near-death, life-hijacking car accident last May.

Everything flows from listening to your soul, to focus your mind, to direct your body’s actions every day!

Every day was an extraordinary day. Even if my intention was to “rest” and my “only I can do” actions were to:

  1. walk to the bathroom and not use the commode in my room,
  2. conquer taking a shower, and
  3. to ask for love and support.

During the unprecedented times of 2020, may these 4 Steps to Create an Extraordinary Day create a space for you to be present in every extraordinary moment . To create the life you dream of now and in the future.

May you create and experience love, peace, joy, health, and wealth.

Even when there are major disruptions to your journey, it may take more time, or you need to create an entirely new navigational plan. One day at a time is all we can do sometimes to keep moving forward.

Even taking tiny step or moving one inch forward can be extraordinary.

Begin. Keep Going. Never Stop!

Diane Cashin, Squeeze More Life Out of Time

To reflect, explore, design and create your extraordinary life, you can grab a copy of your guide and workbook at:

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